Thursday, January 7, 2010

What is the difference between synthetic oil and mineral oil?

please, eleaborate in details if possible?What is the difference between synthetic oil and mineral oil?
Well, 'Mineral oil' is derived from crude oil and 'synthetic oil' is not.

Since 'mineral oil' is an oil 'distillate' it tends to be less stable when exposed to high heat than 'synthetic oil'.

Many people are not aware that much of our synthetic oil technology is from WW2 Nazi technology.

As a rule synthetic oil is superior to crude based oil and is specifically required in many high performance and high load/friction engines.

Hope this answers your question.What is the difference between synthetic oil and mineral oil?
synthetic oil is man made and far superior to plain oil.
type about synthetic oil

type about mineral oil

into search box
';Mineral';, or conventional oil is made from refined crude oil, from the ground.

Synthetic oil is man-made and is superior. It offers greater lubricity and lasts longer.

Wow, what a bunch of garbage answers you're getting. You can always depend on the ignorant know-it-alls to surface their ugly heads when oil is brought up.
see synthetic is man made,and mineral oil is the one that we get from the minerals .thats it so simple!!!!!!!!!!

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