Saturday, December 26, 2009

Is it worth using synthetic oil in my cars?

I have an 01 Tiburon and an 04 trailblazer.Is it worth using synthetic oil in my cars?
Not in the Tiburon.

Consumer Reports did a test of the different oils including synthetic several years ago and found no appreciable difference between them. That said, I run synthetic in my car. I think it smokes less when the myriad leaks drip onto the exhaust.

It's a Subaru, leaks are the name of the game.Is it worth using synthetic oil in my cars?
no regular oil is jst fine. u will be jst wasting money since these cars doesnt require them and performance wont change. synthetic oil were developed for high end cars that require the extra protection oil in their engine since they run at a higher level and performance requires them to run smoother. save your money and jst get any regular oil for ur cars
If you like wasting your money then yes. Otherwise just stick with the dino stuff, it will suit you just fine. If you had a performance car, I'd run synthetic, but since you don't there's no point.

Everyone will have an opinion on this, some say yes and some say no, you won't gain anything but you will lighten your wallet.
In a word, yes!! Synthetic oil has a lot of finer qualities including: better fuel mileage, cleaner engine internals (no sludging or varnishing), and longer engine life (from reducing friction). Regular oil ALWAYS leaves deposits somewhere, like in valve lifters or hydraulic tensioner pulleys, and discolors and throttle body plates and rots rubber vacuum hoses. Especially if you don't drive the car vigorously. Over time, regular oils begin restricting oil passageways and if not changed often enough, destroy engine seals. Synthetic oils are like heroes. They protect seals, clean passageways and retain internal cleanliness. Depending upon the product you are using, some oil change intervals may be extended up to 2 years! In the long run, you will save money!
Well for people that don't understand anything about oil, I guess you can used what you want and what you believe that is good for your car. But I am a mechanic myself and tore engine apart. What I do know is that. Conventional oil (regular oil) is very dirty on the engine, and when the car is sitting for a day or two, the movable parts such as crankshaft, connecting rod, valve guides are very dry. Synthetic always leave a film of oil (even weeks when car was not in use) on all movable parts so it is easy to start the engine during wintry days. Also the parts are cleaner. I've been using synthetic oils since they first appeared to any auto store. I mean more than 40 years now. But like I've said, it is a personal choice and follow your own instinct. So far, I have cars with over 250,000 miles and they performed without no problems. No burning oil, things like that.

The truth is, Synthetic carry additives that needed to protects wear and tear to an engine. When a car is sold to the public, car manufactures added 32 oz. of OEM addetives on the oil for break in porposes, but when the new owner changes that original oil, that 32 oz, OEM addetives protection is gone. Most racers know that addetives is very critical to fortified an engine, racing cars or not, that's because they have more knowledge how an engine work then people that doesn't have no idea about what type of oil is best for cars.

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