Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Can someone PROVE which synthetic oil is better Amsoil , Mobil 1 or a diff brand?

Please give me proof from independent tests of the best performing oil in the world. I have already heard the stories ';My daddy always uses ';Amsoil in the shop so its the best.'; Or ';3 different car makers use Moble 1 as stock fill so it has to be the best . Which synthetic oil is the best performing in all aspects with concrete proof?Can someone PROVE which synthetic oil is better Amsoil , Mobil 1 or a diff brand?
Consumer Reports did a test of oils a couple years ago, if you have an account with them you can look it up. From memory, it said something to the following effect:

synthetics are, on the whole, better than stock oils, but not so much that it matters to the average person. The places where synthetics really can make the biggest difference is in extreme conditions, especially cold temps and cold starts, but also in extreme heat.

So, if you live in the far north or high elevation, or if you rarely drive your car long enough to get oil temp up to operating temperatures, or if you only drive in conditions where your car operates consistently at very high temps, then there is little reason to pay the extra.

As to which one is best, you won't find any objective answers or concrete evidence. There have been some tests, but most are anecdotal. You can't call anything conclusive from one oil change in a car, or even a dozen, though that might be indicative. Perhaps some day Consumer Reports or Car and Driver or Popular Mechanics will properly fund a thousand car lifetime test. Till then, all there will be is marketing and stories.Can someone PROVE which synthetic oil is better Amsoil , Mobil 1 or a diff brand?
Consumer Report in the '70's tested Mobile One in a new Cadillac for 200,000 miles and loved the oil. Report Abuse

First of all, realize that there is more to an oil than viscosity and weights. Mobil One has several oils that reduce friction and give better MPG's. The proper oil for you should be a synthetic that states on the label, ';designed for use in Honda';. or ';designed for use in Chrysler';. or ';meets specification 502/505 for VW/Audi';. All car-makers have their very own SPEC's.Amzoil is very good, but Mobil One is the most tested and approved oil out there. Forget about Royal Purple. I went to the parts store, and read the label. It doesn't meet ANYONE's specifications. The only other oil I would ever use is ELF oil from Europe. It may even be better than Mobil One. BMW owners swear by it, and they too have specialty oils designed for specific cars, with specific needs. The only cars that should NOT use synthetic oil is the Mazda rotary. All thes oils are excellent, but only if they meet your own cars NEEDS. Read your owner's manual under fluid specifications. You might be even smarter than your dad!!! Nothing goes in my Taurus but Mobil One 0W-30. It saves gas, and can last for 2 years. See??
really only can go by what makers say other than buying a new car and using nothing but one brand of oil til it dies then take it a part to check wear then do samething with another car and another brand oil which would take you many yrs and each brand maker wil say their oil is better. when really they all about the same just changing it when or before one should wil save motor life motor you pick what brand you want to use and stick with that brand best you can and change it before its time will save motor
you have some really good answers here.

You want proof then maybe you should do your own testing.

Get your oil analyzed periodically and see what the lab has to say. Put Mobil 1 in your car and use it for 10,000 miles or so and then do the same thing with Amsoil and see what the lab has to say or simply contact the analysis company and ask them, most of them have been analyzing oil for a long time.

One such company can be found her but there are many to choose from. Just google ';oil analysis';
You'll never prove it. People are stubborn. Your dad's opinion is certainly not based on science, and neither is yours. Having said that, they're probably both more than adeqaute. I however would trust the one from the multi-billion dollar company whose oil is recommended by the top motor vehicle manufacturers on earth. Hint---it's not Amsoil.
Good luck on that. Opinions are like belly buttons, everybody has one.

I use mobile 1 in one of our vehicles, the other is too old to spend that kind of money on.
That's like asking who makes the best tire.

It depends on the application.

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